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Someone driven by passion towards sound and sustainable innovation in all facets of Life, Design and Business, must as a consequence lose the need to distinguish between the three.


Our purpose (Mr. Anderson?) is evolution. Innovation is the only sure-shot way of making sure that we are constantly on the path of getting better than ourselves in the previous moment. It is the most noble of all human pursuits.


Innovation is often equated to technological growth, but unless the instrument (technology) is in the responsible hands of a master musician (I want to become one someday), there's very little magic to the music. A master musician must be a thinker, a creator, a strategist, a designer and a good human being. He must not only be able to play for his audiences but must also help them discover musical experiences beyond what they believe possible.


And it is music that brings smiles to people, and I have a personal goal of being responsible for 1,000,000 smiles in the next 5 years. That then, by association, becomes my purpose.


I want to meet and engage with people and organizations who want to join me on my mission. I promise I'll make the journey there unforgettable.


Hit me up, if you want to jam :)

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